CJ Smith proudly serves the Dallas/fort worth area!
this is Your Texas certified business for everything you need
services offered
Document authencitation
The Primary service.
Verifies the identity of the signatories, ensuring they are signing willingly and without coercion.
Witnessing Signatures
The Most Important Part.
Witnessing the signing of documents and attesting to the fact that the signatures are genuine. My services deletes any attempts of fraud and/or forgery.
records & Notarial Certificates
The CJ Smith Official Seal & Notarial Certificate.
Your certificate will include the names of the signatories, the date of notarization, and other pertinent information. All of your documents will be recorded and secured as required by the state of Texas. My records presents a reliable trail of accountability and can be referred to in case of disputes or legal inquiries.
a Texas notary that works for you
Through my personalized notary services, I certify authenticity and legality for your most important documents and transactions.
Whether it's for personal matters, legal proceedings, or business transactions, CJ Smith Notary Services provide you with a peace of mind through ensuring legal validity to your most vulnerable documents.
Additional Services Offered
Mobile Notary
Contact me now for how I can bring the notary to YOU!